Monday, July 2, 2012

Things to get off my Chest!

Hey everyone! I know, I know it's been a while. I have been crazy busy lately...with no signs of life slowing down at all. Lately, I have been really struggling with being upset and angry. I figured it out this morning....I am letting to many things stew, without talking to anyone. So, I figured I would just pour my heart out online...kinds crazy, I know...since the whole world could see it. But, here's the thing, I need to stop caring what everyone else thinks. That is something I have struggled with my whole life. I get so concerned if people like me...and why? If you don't like me, I highly doubt anything I say or do will change that right? I try to be a good wife, mother, friend, daughther, sister...the list goes on. But, at the end of the day, not everyone in the world is going to accept me or even like me. I need to work on that a little more, but the older I get, the easier it is to let things like that go. I know that I am a good person, and I know that I try to please everyone (another thing I need to work on). I can't be everything, to every one. Here are some random things that have been weighing on me lately.

1. If you say you are going to do something, do it! It sounds simple, I know...but I feel like the world is just getting worse everyday. TAKE A STEP OUTSIDE OF YOUR OWN LIFE, maybe help someone who needs help. If you change your mind or can't do what you said, then be respectful and tell the person. I understand everyone is busy, but seriously...stop being so selfish.

2. If I am venting on Facebook...I am doing just that...venting. I know the sun will come out tomorrow, I know that it could be worse, I know that my husband has and I should be happy. I know, I got it. Let me be mad for a minute, I have a knack for bouncing back after I let it out.

3. I don't care if it's a week or a year, deployment is deployment! I understand that my husband may not be gone as long as some, I get that. But, at the end of the day, when I try and sleep and hear noises, and see my kids crying b/c the miss their daddy, or 15 things broke in that particular day. All I want is him home. I am the one who is dealing with everything. I am the one who doesn't hear his voice for months, I am the one that can't read news stories out of fear. I can't know where he is all the time, I can't tell you dates or how long he is gone...I don't want to risk his and the crew's safety. And honestly, I don't know. I am a wife, who is married, but spends lots of time away from her husband. Eventhough he is "in port" it doesn't always mean he is home. Sometimes I get jealous, b/c I see or hear about families making solid plans. I can't do that with my husband.

4. NO, I didn't vote for Obama, and NO I won't be voting for him in Nov. I can't vote for someone I don't agree with. Why would I support someone who takes away my husbands money and only "supports" the military when something major happens. And then takes the credit...that is one reason among many I won't be voting for him. I will continue to pray for him though. And, no Obamacare isn't good for everyone. These are my thoughts, I realize everyone has different ones...that is a freedom we are allowed to have...for now anyway.

5. If I want to get my kids a happy meal with fries, I should be able to. It is NOT MY problem people take their kids there everyday and their kids are overweight.

6. I am still really upset that MOPS didn't work out here. I spent a lot of time and energy working on that. I really needed that to take off, I wanted to do something to help people. It still makes me sad that I didn't have much support. I put myself out there, and I did it while James was gone. I didn't have him here to sit with me while I cried when I felt alone. It may seem like a little thing to people, but that was a huge turning point for me. It's hard to put yourself out there and then be let down. It's life, I know, but that doesn't mean it was easy for me.

Ok, I know this is not my normal, happy-go-lucky post. I am just tired of feeling overwhelmed and angry. I will work on myself and write a more exciting blog!


Sunday, January 29, 2012


Hello sweet friends! I know, it has been like a thousand years since I have written. I hope to catch up with myself one day soon and actually post pictures, and write more. Hopefully that time comes soon! I thought for tonights reading pleasure I would post some random facts about me. Mainly b/c it's late and I am slap happy, and can't actually write a full blog post lol. But, for anyone who doesn't know me that well or maybe not even at all...this should be fun for you! If not...I apologize. :) I will post 20, that is a good round number. Let me know what you think. Who knows, even if you do know me well, I might surprise you too!

1. I absolutely love Starbucks. 
2. I hate and I mean hate letting people down, I always want people to be happy.
3. There are days when being a military wife is the last thing on earth I want to be. NO, that doesn't mean I don't love James, it doesn't mean I don't support the troops. It means, somedays are hard, I need help, I need my husband but I can't have him. I need to vent. That being said, I love this country and I am so proud of the sacrifice my husband makes. It can be a thankless job at times.
4. I HATE elections years. I can't stand listening to lies. I also don't like being judged b/c of the way I voted.
5. I love God and I go to Church.
6. I am a planner. I get anxious if I am not planning. I try to tone it down, I don't wanna freak people out lol.
7. I love cards, getting and receiving. 
8. I have seen almost every episode of I Love Lucy.
9. I have seen every episode of Friends.
10. I still hope to be a day.
11. I sell Mary Kay b/c it really does have awesome skin care products. I wouldn't back a company I didn't like. 
12. I love flip flops.
13. I love to sing, even though I am not awesome at it!
14. Video games are the last thing on earth I want to play...but I do it for my little man. 
15. At any given time I have 32 things rolling around in my head that I want to plan, organize, make or do.
16. I can recite the whole movie Grease...and almost all of the Notebook.
17. I take things personally...a lot! I am working on that though.
18. I am always missing someone. Always.
19. I sometimes randomly bust out laughing b/c i remembered something funny that may have happened years ago.
20. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE my planner. I love to write in it, I love to chose a new one each year lol. Can we say dork haha.

There you have it 20 random things! Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

My Baby Sister is Getting Hitched!

For six (okay 6 years and 11 months), it was just me. Cute and loveable me. Then on February 13, 1990, my baby sister Jill was born. We were living in England at that time. I had a baby sister to love and protect. Sometimes, I protect her a little too much, some might say I "mother" her...but I tell those people OH WELL lol. All I want for her, is happiness. SO, it's no surprise that she is marrying an awesome guy. It's almost like he was handpicked by an awesome person. Oh, yeah....he was. I, Sabrina Barnes, am so excited that I brought them together. I just think it's so awesome how God works. Jill and Adam met 10 years ago. I actually met Adam before James. Then I met James and learned all about Adam, who is as most people know...James' best friend. :)

Fast forward a couple years later to our wedding! Jill and Adam we both in our wedding. And now in less than a year, James and I get to be in her wedding. I love when things work out. And I really love how awesome I am at matchmaking. :) I am just so excited that they have a date and they have all the love in the world!! That is all for now, I am tired and need to finish a few things to sum up this blog...Congrats Jill and Adam on picking a date! Now we can officially plan! And I am awesome...that is all lol.

Lots Of Love,

Thursday, November 17, 2011

We Moved, and Survived!

Ok, so waaay back in 2010 I started this blog. It was my new years resoulution. And we all know how those turn out. So, here i am, trying again. Wish me luck!

On June 14, we headed for our adventure to Kingsbay, GA. I was 7 months pregnant, and I really didn't want to leave Charleston. And when I say I really didn't want to leave, I mean REALLY times a million, didn't want to leave. I cried packing up, I cried every night, I was a walking crying baby. You would think I would be used to this moving thing. I did grow up in an Air Force home after all. But honestly, moving will never be easy for me. It will never be something I can just be "ok" with. It will never get easier saying bye. It will never stop hurting when I see friends and family members doing things, I so desperately wish I was doing. So why do I do it? It's simple really, because I know this is where I am supposed to be. I know God put me here, and I accept that. Does that mean I always like it? No, of course not. But, I do love this country, and I do know James, loves serving his country. I don't think he would be happy anywhere else. I do miss people, I am ALWAYS missing someone. It's part of my life!

Ok, so we got here. And I immediately started panicking! Ok, first off - there is no Starbucks or Target in St. Mary's GA!!!!! Seriously, I have to go to Florida! Apparently the Navy did not get my memo on Starbucks and Target. I was in a culture shock moving here. But, I tried to stay positive - we bought our first house, that was exciting. My parents came and helped us fix up some things that needed fixing or updated. We are SO blessed to have them. By mid-August we had pretty much everything done (we still have pics to hang and a garage to sort, but that is another blog waiting to happen). Andrew started Kindergarten too! He was nervous, but so excited. I think I cried on and off all first born, in school! That was a lot for this prego momma! Then on August 29, our sweet baby girl Vivian was born! My mom flew down here to help us! And I am SO glad she did. Recovery was a lot harder on me this last time. C-section #3 was def the hardest. I was one of 3, yes 3 ladies on the labor and delivery floor. That was so weird to know that there were 3 of us...and when I left 2. I was pretty confident they wouldn't switch my baby, lol. A paranoid thought that always crosses my mind. Stop making fun of me lol.

Having kids is the most rewarding job! I am so blessed! So, this was 2011 in a nutshell: Nathanael started walking, we moved, bought a house, Andrew started Kindergarten, and we had a baby. We don't like to do one thing at a time lol.

I survived!!!
